The One and only problem
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Author:  GwenFR [ Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  The One and only problem

(scuse my language, i"m french)
I just played (for the 3th time) at way. (marvelous game by the "way")
BUT, i just saw myself in front of a total idiot !! :lol:
I tried to be patient, to explain with signs that he/she had to stay in the "watch window" he/she continue to try resolve puzzles by his/her self alone.
It's was incredible of dumbness... huhhuhu. at last, he/she leave the game while i was doing "angry sounds" angain and again. and mooving my head horizontaly.
Exellent game, really, just had this one and only little problem.

Author:  theshli [ Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The One and only problem

I was on the other side of that same problem (I'm assuming.)
When I first tried the game, I could only see my half of the screen, and the top half was completely black. I could hear noises of the other person but there wasn't any way to actually see them. I just changed the resolution and it was fine.

I just wanted to tell you that the person isn't a complete idiot, they probably couldn't see you at all.

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