There is a way.
Okay, please don't kill me for the bad puns. They're an inherent part of me. They're not going to go awa -- fine, I'll stop now. Hi. My name is Cassandra Khaw. I do a lot of writing for places like Indiegames Blog and TouchArcade. However, I recently came across the opportunity to do a review of Way for Paste Magazine. Instead of the usual approach, I'm going to be taking things a little bit further than normal. I don't want to offer MY experiences alone. I want to know what you thought of the game. Any of you, It doesn't have to be a technical explanation but it does have to be emotional. How did it make you feel? What was your partner like? Do you play it with friends?
I won't be able to use everyone's answers but I'll try my best to work as much as I can into a coherent mix. If you want to help out, just leave a reply.

All credit will go to the appropriate parties.