Please leave private mode in the fully released game!
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Author:  RosaAquafire [ Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Please leave private mode in the fully released game!

The text ingame implied to me that private mode will only be available in the alpha version of WAY. Please, please reconsider this.

My best friend and I live in different countries. Because of our jobs and families, we only get to see one another every other year, for two weeks at a time, and sometimes it can be really hard to stay in touch with each other. Nevertheless, we've been doing it for almost ten years.

One of the ways that we manage to keep connected to one another is by playing cooperative games. We're always on the lookout for something that can be playing online with two players, and have enjoyed quite a few games like this together over the years. After hearing about WAY, we gave it a try tonight. I don't think that we've ever felt so connected playing a game together. The emphasis on trust and communication and bridging distance tapped into the unique nature of our relationship, and it felt as though we were overcoming the barriers between us while our avatars did.

In today's world, a lot of people are in this same situation. Sometimes the only way to feel physically connected to people you've parted ways with is by games like this. For all of us who spend our lives apart from the people we care about, please consider letting us play the eventual final version of WAY with them.

Author:  walt [ Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Please leave private mode in the fully released game!

You make a great case for keep private mode. Although the game was designed specifically to be played with strangers (hence the current text you see), we've come to realize that the game works between friends too so long as they agree not to talk outside the game while playing. Although we can't promise anything at this point, I'd say that private mode will likely remain an option.


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